Learn to time your fuel for your individual needs
Learn to create a food structure based on how our body is designed to run.
Work through body image concerns with a Christ centered focus
Aim to create an all foods fit approach to enjoy food again
Create a plan for movement that is fun & improves your health
Learn to stop obsessing over food!
I am ready!!
Our job on this earth is to bring Glory to god in whatever aspect of life we are in. with that, the lord designed us to have certain needs like food, water, sleep & more.
But, as a culture we are being bombareded with messaging about diets. these diets leave us underfed, feeling ashamed, believing our body is the wrong size, not able to focus, & out of energy!
But that doesn't have to be the case!! learning to fuel your body can mean taking back those thoughts and living in the body the lord designed for you!